Sunday, January 10, 2010

Trig's timeline

No one seems to have focused on another inconsistency in Baby Trig's timeline and I would love to hear some doctors and NICU nurses weigh in.
It seems that, by all accounts, Trig was born on April 18th, 4 weeks premature, with Down's syndrome, jaundice and a hole in his heart, yet was sent home with his parents on April 19th.
He was also photographed as a "newborn" with Palin's parents the day he was supposedly born, looking large for a preemie and not jaundiced at all.
My only experience with childbirth was giving birth to twins, 5 weeks early. They were both perfectly healthy, other than my daughter's mild jaundice, yet had to stay in the NICU for 9 days in order to gain a certain amount of weight and be observed. This brings up the inconsistency in Palin's story about Trig's entry into the world and its actual timing.
My question is: Would a Down's Syndrome, jaundiced preemie with a hole in his heart be released to go home THE VERY NEXT DAY after his birth?

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